A Catalyst for Growth

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Yesterday was moving day for one of our families! Every one of our team members chipped in to make sure everything happened smoothly.

We rarely have blue skies on move-out days, but yesterday, we were all greeted with sunshine. A mother and father with three young children were able to find their very own home. They had been in our program for only one month before they found housing, demonstrating their dedication to creating a fresh start. The family was cheerful and eager to help our team as we unloaded items to furnish their new home.

Because this family had consistent shelter and case management through our program, they found the confidence to stabilize enough to find their own space. However, it would be remiss not to mention some of the challenges they will continue to face, like many other unhoused and low-income families.

While the family owns a car, it has several issues that make it unsafe to operate. It is also a struggle for them to find consistent and reliable transportation for school and work. In fact, for her job interview, the mother had to take an Uber to ensure she made it on time due to the irregular local transportation schedule.

Most of the time, once a family finds housing, it is a common consensus that their problems slip away, which is not the case. They are housed, but the obstacles are not gone. It is our hope that finding shelter- a home of their own- will be a catalyst for growth and stability for all families that come through our program.

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